
【集群规模】例如:3fe(1 follower+2observer)+9be(fe与be独立)
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  1. 创建物化视图的sql
    CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW taobao_sku_viw_16 DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(item_id) BUCKETS 4 as select max(t1.shop_id) shop_id, max(t3.shop_name) shop_name, max(t1.shop_type) shop_type, max(t1.shop_type) plat, max(t1.loc) loc, max(t1.item_id) item_id, coalesce(max(p2.sku_id), ‘’) sku_id, max(p2.sales) sales, max(p2.sold) sold, max(t4.fb_id) brand_id, max(t4.fbrand_name) brand_name, max(t1.title) title, coalesce(max(p2.price_min), max(p2.price)) min_price, max(p2.price) price2, coalesce(max(p2.ori_price), max(p2.price)) price, max(t1.comment) comment, max(t1.img) img, max(t1.cat1) ori_cat1, max(t1.time) time, max(t1.cat1) cat1, max(t1.cat2) cat2, max(t1.cat3) cat3, max(t1.cat4) as cat4, coalesce(max(t1.cat4), max(t1.cat3), max(t1.cat2), max(t1.cat1)) as leaf_id ,’’ as rule from item2 t1 left join shops_tmall t3 on t1.shop_id=t3.shop_id left join fix_brands_v2 t4 on t1.brand_id=t4.bid left join itemattr2_pic p2 on t1.cat1 = p2.cat1 and t1.item_id = p2.item_id and t1.time = p2.time where (((t1.cat1=‘16’))) and (t1.time in (‘2023-04-01’)) and (t4.plat = ‘taobao’ or t4.plat is null) and t1.item_id is not null and p2.sku_id is not null group by p2.item_id, p2.sku_id, p2.time order by sales desc nulls last limit 1000;

  2. 查询sql:
    select shop_id, shop_name, shop_type, plat, loc, item_id, sku_id, brand_id, brand_name, title, sales, sold,
    case when yoy_sales is not null and yoy_sales != 0 then (sales-yoy_sales)/yoy_sales else ‘-’ end yoy_sales,
    case when yoy_sold is not null and yoy_sold != 0 then (sold-yoy_sold)/yoy_sold else ‘-’ end yoy_sold,
    case when qoq_sales is not null and qoq_sales != 0 then (sales-qoq_sales)/qoq_sales else ‘-’ end qoq_sales,
    case when qoq_sold is not null and qoq_sold != 0 then (sold-qoq_sold)/qoq_sold else ‘-’ end qoq_sold,

    case when sold != 0 then sales/sold else 0 end as price2, case when sold != 0 then sales/sold else 0 end as price, comment,
    img, ori_cat1, ‘2023-04 至 2023-04’ time, cat1, leaf_id, rule , cat2, cat3, cat4, min_price from (select max(shop_id) shop_id, max(shop_name) shop_name, max(shop_type) shop_type,
    max(shop_type) plat, max(loc) loc, item_id, sku_id,

                 sum(case when time in ('2022-04-01') then sales end) as yoy_sales, 
                 sum(case when time in ('2023-03-01') then sales end) as qoq_sales, 
                 sum(case when time in ('2023-04-01') then sales end) as sales, 
                 sum(case when time in ('2022-04-01') then sold end) as yoy_sold, 
                 sum(case when time in ('2023-03-01') then sold end) as qoq_sold, 
                 sum(case when time in ('2023-04-01') then sold end) as sold, 
                 max(brand_id) brand_id, max(brand_name) brand_name, max(title) title,  max(min_price) min_price, 
                  max(price) price, max(comment) comment, max(img) img, max(cat1) ori_cat1,
                 max(time) time, max(cat1) cat1, max(cat2) cat2, max(cat3) cat3, max(cat4) cat4, max(leaf_id) leaf_id , GROUP_CONCAT(rule, ';') rule   from (select max(t1.shop_id) shop_id, max(t3.shop_name) shop_name, max(t1.shop_type) shop_type, max(t1.shop_type) plat, max(t1.loc) loc, max(t1.item_id) item_id, coalesce(max(p2.sku_id), '') sku_id, max(p2.sales) sales, max(p2.sold) sold,   max(t4.fb_id) brand_id, max(t4.fbrand_name) brand_name, max(t1.title) title,  coalesce(max(p2.price_min), max(p2.price)) min_price,  max(p2.price) price2, coalesce(max(p2.ori_price), max(p2.price)) price, 
             max(t1.comment) comment, max(t1.img) img, max(t1.cat1) ori_cat1, max(t1.time) time, max(t1.cat1) cat1, max(t1.cat2) cat2, max(t1.cat3) cat3, max(t1.cat4) as cat4, coalesce(max(t1.cat4), max(t1.cat3), max(t1.cat2), max(t1.cat1)) as leaf_id ,'' as rule   from item2 t1 left join shops_tmall t3 on  t1.shop_id=t3.shop_id left join  fix_brands_v2  t4 on  t1.brand_id=t4.bid left join itemattr2_pic p2 on  t1.cat1 = p2.cat1 and t1.item_id = p2.item_id and t1.time = p2.time where (((t1.cat1='16'))) and (t1.time in ('2023-04-01'))   and (t4.plat = 'taobao' or t4.plat is null)   and t1.item_id is not null  and p2.sku_id is not null  group by p2.item_id, p2.sku_id, p2.time) tt0
                  group by item_id, sku_id) t 

    where sales is not null order by sales desc nulls last limit 10 offset 0;

  3. explain结果
    2:OlapScanNode |
    | TABLE: item2 |
    | PREDICATES: 11: cat1 = 16, 2: time = ‘2023-04-01’, 1: item_id IS NOT NULL |
    | partitions=1/2016 |
    | rollup: item2 |
    | tabletRatio=32/32 |
    | tabletList=32578,32582,32586,32590,32594,32598,32602,32606,32610,32614 … |
    | cardinality=2535 |
    | avgRowSize=191.74098 |
    | numNodes=0
    mv.txt (94.6 KB)

