Starrocks-connector-for-apache-flink Release Notes(最新版本 1.2.6,发布日期 2023-03-06)

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发布日期 2023-03-06


  • Optimized the performance of sink V2 by using batch processing, making write and stream load parallel, and using HeapByteBuffer.get() to make data copy more efficient. #181


  • Added the ability to use transaction stream load for at-least-once mode, which requires StarRocks version 2.4 or higher. #185

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue with column names containing SQL keywords in the StarRocks Connector for Apache Flink by adding backticks to column names in the HTTP header. #173
  • Correctly call the complete() method on a Region object after checking the state of the label. #176
  • Fixed the issue of not using HTTP chunk to send JSON format data for StarRocks versions <=2.2. #174
  • Resolved the issue of adding backticks when are already configured. #183
  • Fixed the issue of adding the first and end new line delimiters for CSV format. #186
  • Aborting transactions if the flush operation fails, helping save resources. #188
  • Removed the HTTP prefix when probing transaction load, allowing the transaction load probing to pass. #189
  • Appended the CSV row delimiter to the end in the transaction load. #190
  • Fixed the name mismatch when deserializing JSON string responses. #192
  • Resolved the dead loop issue in the getAvailableHost() method. #193
  • Improved the commit process by checking the label state if the commit fails, regardless of the reason for the failure. #195


  • [ITTest] Add ITTest for sink and source. #180


Husky Zeng, Kui Yuan, PengFei Li, xlfjcg,