StarRocks2.3.2 pipeline引擎性能问题

【背景】通过调整base compaction的配置,降低了压缩频率,使集群的磁盘IO降低到了一个比较低的范围,排除了磁盘IO导致查询变慢的可能性。
【集群规模】例如:5fe(2 follower+2observer)+16be(fe与be混部)
- Query ID: a82028f0-3975-11ed-846b-6c92bf67ef6c
- Start Time: 2022-09-21 14:21:41
- End Time: 2022-09-21 14:21:41
- Total: 304ms
- Query Type: Query
- Query State: EOF
- StarRocks Version: 2.3.2
- User: root
- Default Db: default_cluster:cache_log
- Sql Statement: SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(time_at_5min), domain, isp, province, sum(traffic) as traffic FROM nginx_region_detail WHERE (domain IN (116153,228593,136786,132537,222065,254919,118285,220270,70766,224345) AND time_at_5min >= ‘2022-09-20 23:20:00’ AND time_at_5min <= ‘2022-09-20 23:50:00’ AND isp IN (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,19,21,22,23,25,27,28,29) AND province IN (1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,386) AND country IN (1) AND is_parent = 0 AND is_https = 1) GROUP BY time_at_5min, domain, isp, province
- QueryCpuCost: 104ms
- QueryMemCost: 16.788MB
- Variables: parallel_fragment_exec_instance_num=1,pipeline_dop=0
- Collect Profile Time: 8ms
- Total: 44ms / 1
Execution Profile a82028f0-3975-11ed-846b-6c92bf67ef6c:
- ExecutionTotalTime: 239.905ms
Fragment 0:
- BackendNum: 1
- InstanceNum: 1
- MemoryLimit: 91.60 GB
- PeakMemoryUsage: 331.45 KB
Pipeline (id=0):
- ActiveTime: 799.395us
- BlockByInputEmpty: 54
- __MAX_OF_BlockByInputEmpty: 4
- __MIN_OF_BlockByInputEmpty: 1
- BlockByOutputFull: 231
- __MAX_OF_BlockByOutputFull: 17
- __MIN_OF_BlockByOutputFull: 6
- BlockByPrecondition: 0
- DegreeOfParallelism: 20
- DriverTotalTime: 239.905ms
- OverheadTime: 799.395us
- PendingTime: 237.302ms
- InputEmptyTime: 196.373ms
- FirstInputEmptyTime: 195.500ms
- FollowupInputEmptyTime: 873.30us
- OutputFullTime: 41.528ms
- PendingFinishTime: 0ns
- PreconditionBlockTime: 0ns
- ScheduleCount: 306
- __MAX_OF_ScheduleCount: 21
- __MIN_OF_ScheduleCount: 9
- ScheduleTime: 1.803ms
- TotalDegreeOfParallelism: 20
- YieldByTimeLimit: 0
- CloseTime: 1.130us
- OperatorTotalTime: 342.103us
- PeakMemoryUsage: 0.00
- PrepareTime: 17.588us
- PullChunkNum: 0
- PullRowNum: 0
- PullTotalTime: 0ns
- PushChunkNum: 320
- __MAX_OF_PushChunkNum: 39
- __MIN_OF_PushChunkNum: 8
- PushRowNum: 4.073K (4073)
- __MAX_OF_PushRowNum: 484
- __MIN_OF_PushRowNum: 122
- PushTotalTime: 340.774us
- SetFinishedTime: 47ns
- SetFinishingTime: 150ns
EXCHANGE_SOURCE (plan_node_id=6):
- CloseTime: 543ns
- OperatorTotalTime: 110.327us
- PeakMemoryUsage: 0.00
- PrepareTime: 13.11us
- PullChunkNum: 324
- __MAX_OF_PullChunkNum: 39
- __MIN_OF_PullChunkNum: 8
- PullRowNum: 4.073K (4073)
- __MAX_OF_PullRowNum: 484
- __MIN_OF_PullRowNum: 122
- PullTotalTime: 108.373us
- PushChunkNum: 0
- PushRowNum: 0
- PushTotalTime: 0ns
- SetFinishedTime: 107ns
- SetFinishingTime: 1.303us
- BytesPassThrough: 6.25 KB
- BytesReceived: 72.18 KB
- DecompressChunkTime: 828.114us
- DeserializeChunkTime: 3.644ms
- ReceiverProcessTotalTime: 7.380ms
- RequestReceived: 321
- SenderTotalTime: 7.294ms
- SenderWaitLockTime: 1.87ms
Fragment 1:
- BackendNum: 16
- InstanceNum: 16
- MemoryLimit: 91.60 GB
- PeakMemoryUsage: 23.87 MB
- __MAX_OF_PeakMemoryUsage: 1.56 MB
- __MIN_OF_PeakMemoryUsage: 1.47 MB
Pipeline (id=1):
- ActiveTime: 189.891us
- BlockByInputEmpty: 0
- BlockByOutputFull: 0
- BlockByPrecondition: 0
- DegreeOfParallelism: 20
- DriverTotalTime: 191.310ms
- OverheadTime: 189.891us
- PendingTime: 190.64ms
- InputEmptyTime: 187.597ms
- FirstInputEmptyTime: 187.597ms
- FollowupInputEmptyTime: 0ns
- OutputFullTime: 0ns
- PendingFinishTime: 2.489ms
- PreconditionBlockTime: 0ns
- ScheduleCount: 320
- ScheduleTime: 1.56ms
- TotalDegreeOfParallelism: 320
- YieldByTimeLimit: 0
EXCHANGE_SINK (plan_node_id=6):
- CloseTime: 1.349us
- OperatorTotalTime: 97.597us
- PeakMemoryUsage: 0.00
- PrepareTime: 34.750us
- PullChunkNum: 0
- PullRowNum: 0
- PullTotalTime: 0ns
- PushChunkNum: 320
- PushRowNum: 4.073K (4073)
- __MAX_OF_PushRowNum: 26
- __MIN_OF_PushRowNum: 5
- PushTotalTime: 22.254us
- SetFinishedTime: 46ns
- SetFinishingTime: 73.945us
- DestID: 6
- DestFragments: a82028f0397511ed-846b6c92bf67ef8d
- BytesPassThrough: 6.25 KB
- __MAX_OF_BytesPassThrough: 454.00 B
- __MIN_OF_BytesPassThrough: 0.00
- BytesSent: 72.18 KB
- __MAX_OF_BytesSent: 5.14 KB
- __MIN_OF_BytesSent: 0.00
- CompressTime: 11.567us
- NetworkTime: 3.31ms
- __MAX_OF_NetworkTime: 36.699ms
- __MIN_OF_NetworkTime: 0ns
- OverallThroughput: 2.4360837936401367 MB/sec
- __MAX_OF_OverallThroughput: 1.7358732223510742 MB/sec
- __MIN_OF_OverallThroughput: 0.0 /sec
- RequestSent: 300
- __MAX_OF_RequestSent: 20
- __MIN_OF_RequestSent: 0
- SerializeChunkTime: 5.984us
- ShuffleHashTime: 0ns
- UncompressedBytes: 92.51 KB
- __MAX_OF_UncompressedBytes: 608.00 B
- __MIN_OF_UncompressedBytes: 0.00
- WaitTime: 2.346ms
PROJECT (plan_node_id=5):
- CloseTime: 8.276us
- OperatorTotalTime: 21.571us
- PeakMemoryUsage: 0.00
- PrepareTime: 13.173us
- PullChunkNum: 320
- PullRowNum: 4.073K (4073)
- __MAX_OF_PullRowNum: 26
- __MIN_OF_PullRowNum: 5
- PullTotalTime: 231ns
- PushChunkNum: 320
- PushRowNum: 4.073K (4073)
- __MAX_OF_PushRowNum: 26
- __MIN_OF_PushRowNum: 5
- PushTotalTime: 12.859us
- SetFinishedTime: 97ns
- SetFinishingTime: 103ns
- CloseTime: 9.155us
- OperatorTotalTime: 76.100us
- PeakMemoryUsage: 0.00
- PrepareTime: 13.794us
- PullChunkNum: 320
- PullRowNum: 4.073K (4073)
- __MAX_OF_PullRowNum: 26
- __MIN_OF_PullRowNum: 5
- PullTotalTime: 66.657us
- PushChunkNum: 0
- PushRowNum: 0
- PushTotalTime: 0ns
- SetFinishedTime: 132ns
- SetFinishingTime: 153ns
Pipeline (id=0):
- ActiveTime: 346.251us
- BlockByInputEmpty: 1.709K (1709)
- __MAX_OF_BlockByInputEmpty: 8
- __MIN_OF_BlockByInputEmpty: 3
- BlockByOutputFull: 0
- BlockByPrecondition: 0
- DegreeOfParallelism: 20
- DriverTotalTime: 190.489ms
- OverheadTime: 346.251us
- PendingTime: 186.776ms
- InputEmptyTime: 186.814ms
- FirstInputEmptyTime: 44.850ms
- __MAX_OF_FirstInputEmptyTime: 113.402ms
- __MIN_OF_FirstInputEmptyTime: 34.887ms
- FollowupInputEmptyTime: 141.963ms
- __MAX_OF_FollowupInputEmptyTime: 143.772ms
- __MIN_OF_FollowupInputEmptyTime: 75.324ms
- OutputFullTime: 0ns
- PendingFinishTime: 0ns
- PreconditionBlockTime: 0ns
- ScheduleCount: 2.056K (2056)
- __MAX_OF_ScheduleCount: 9
- __MIN_OF_ScheduleCount: 4
- ScheduleTime: 3.366ms
- TotalDegreeOfParallelism: 320
- YieldByTimeLimit: 0
- CloseTime: 8.186us
- OperatorTotalTime: 80.363us
- PeakMemoryUsage: 1.46 MB
- __MAX_OF_PeakMemoryUsage: 5.03 KB
- __MIN_OF_PeakMemoryUsage: 4.26 KB
- PrepareTime: 80.562us
- PullChunkNum: 0
- PullRowNum: 0
- PullTotalTime: 0ns
- PushChunkNum: 1.855K (1855)
- __MAX_OF_PushChunkNum: 8
- __MIN_OF_PushChunkNum: 3
- PushRowNum: 4.073K (4073)
- __MAX_OF_PushRowNum: 26
- __MIN_OF_PushRowNum: 5
- PushTotalTime: 70.883us
- SetFinishedTime: 42ns
- SetFinishingTime: 1.249us
- GroupingKeys: 15: time_at_5min, 1: domain, 4: isp, 5: province
- AggregateFunctions: sum(23: sum)
- AggComputeTime: 26.736us
- ExprComputeTime: 18.680us
- ExprReleaseTime: 19.650us
- GetResultsTime: 41.356us
- HashTableSize: 4.073K (4073)
- __MAX_OF_HashTableSize: 26
- __MIN_OF_HashTableSize: 5
- InputRowCount: 4.073K (4073)
- __MAX_OF_InputRowCount: 26
- __MIN_OF_InputRowCount: 5
- PassThroughRowCount: 0
- ResultAggAppendTime: 1.582us
- ResultGroupByAppendTime: 3.885us
- ResultIteratorTime: 20.716us
- RowsReturned: 0
- StreamingTime: 0ns
EXCHANGE_SOURCE (plan_node_id=3):
- CloseTime: 716ns
- OperatorTotalTime: 85.44us
- PeakMemoryUsage: 0.00
- PrepareTime: 15.458us
- PullChunkNum: 1.855K (1855)
- __MAX_OF_PullChunkNum: 8
- __MIN_OF_PullChunkNum: 3
- PullRowNum: 4.073K (4073)
- __MAX_OF_PullRowNum: 26
- __MIN_OF_PullRowNum: 5
- PullTotalTime: 80.157us
- PushChunkNum: 0
- PushRowNum: 0
- PushTotalTime: 0ns
- SetFinishedTime: 109ns
- SetFinishingTime: 4.59us
- BytesPassThrough: 9.79 KB
- __MAX_OF_BytesPassThrough: 2.42 KB
- __MIN_OF_BytesPassThrough: 0.00
- BytesReceived: 126.74 KB
- __MAX_OF_BytesReceived: 9.12 KB
- __MIN_OF_BytesReceived: 6.26 KB
- DecompressChunkTime: 37.342us
- DeserializeChunkTime: 468.390us
- ReceiverProcessTotalTime: 680.241us
- RequestReceived: 129
- __MAX_OF_RequestReceived: 9
- __MIN_OF_RequestReceived: 7
- SenderTotalTime: 678.388us
- SenderWaitLockTime: 3.655us
Fragment 2:
- BackendNum: 16
- InstanceNum: 16
- MemoryLimit: 91.48 GB
- PeakMemoryUsage: 274.09 MB
- __MAX_OF_PeakMemoryUsage: 17.38 MB
- __MIN_OF_PeakMemoryUsage: 16.54 MB
Pipeline (id=2):
- ActiveTime: 112.347us
- BlockByInputEmpty: 0
- BlockByOutputFull: 0
- BlockByPrecondition: 0
- DegreeOfParallelism: 20
- DriverTotalTime: 36.794ms
- __MAX_OF_DriverTotalTime: 157.956ms
- __MIN_OF_DriverTotalTime: 4.746ms
- OverheadTime: 112.347us
- PendingTime: 35.741ms
- __MAX_OF_PendingTime: 156.832ms
- __MIN_OF_PendingTime: 3.898ms
- InputEmptyTime: 4.985ms
- __MAX_OF_InputEmptyTime: 153.727ms
- __MIN_OF_InputEmptyTime: 2.395ms
- FirstInputEmptyTime: 4.985ms
- __MAX_OF_FirstInputEmptyTime: 153.727ms
- __MIN_OF_FirstInputEmptyTime: 2.395ms
- FollowupInputEmptyTime: 0ns
- OutputFullTime: 0ns
- PendingFinishTime: 30.758ms
- __MAX_OF_PendingFinishTime: 153.615ms
- __MIN_OF_PendingFinishTime: 109.971us
- PreconditionBlockTime: 0ns
- ScheduleCount: 320
- ScheduleTime: 940.614us
- TotalDegreeOfParallelism: 320
- YieldByTimeLimit: 0
EXCHANGE_SINK (plan_node_id=3):
- CloseTime: 1.52us
- OperatorTotalTime: 107.428us
- PeakMemoryUsage: 0.00
- PrepareTime: 46.280us
- PullChunkNum: 0
- PullRowNum: 0
- PullTotalTime: 0ns
- PushChunkNum: 8
- __MAX_OF_PushChunkNum: 1
- __MIN_OF_PushChunkNum: 0
- PushRowNum: 4.073K (4073)
- __MAX_OF_PushRowNum: 907
- __MIN_OF_PushRowNum: 0
- PushTotalTime: 28.578us
- SetFinishedTime: 93ns
- SetFinishingTime: 77.702us
- DestID: 3
- DestFragments: a82028f0397511ed-846b6c92bf67ef7d, a82028f0397511ed-846b6c92bf67ef7e, a82028f0397511ed-846b6c92bf67ef7f, a82028f0397511ed-846b6c92bf67ef80, a82028f0397511ed-846b6c92bf67ef81, a82028f0397511ed-846b6c92bf67ef82, a82028f0397511ed-846b6c92bf67ef83, a82028f0397511ed-846b6c92bf67ef84, a82028f0397511ed-846b6c92bf67ef85, a82028f0397511ed-846b6c92bf67ef86, a82028f0397511ed-846b6c92bf67ef87, a82028f0397511ed-846b6c92bf67ef88, a82028f0397511ed-846b6c92bf67ef89, a82028f0397511ed-846b6c92bf67ef8a, a82028f0397511ed-846b6c92bf67ef8b, a82028f0397511ed-846b6c92bf67ef8c
- BytesPassThrough: 9.79 KB
- __MAX_OF_BytesPassThrough: 1.96 KB
- __MIN_OF_BytesPassThrough: 0.00
- BytesSent: 126.74 KB
- __MAX_OF_BytesSent: 32.84 KB
- __MIN_OF_BytesSent: 0.00
- CompressTime: 6.399us
- NetworkTime: 7.0ms
- __MAX_OF_NetworkTime: 20.708ms
- __MIN_OF_NetworkTime: 28.310us
- OverallThroughput: 549.9258985519409 MB/sec
- __MAX_OF_OverallThroughput: 538.416693687439 MB/sec
- __MIN_OF_OverallThroughput: 0.0 /sec
- RequestSent: 113
- __MAX_OF_RequestSent: 30
- __MIN_OF_RequestSent: 0
- SerializeChunkTime: 4.798us
- ShuffleHashTime: 618ns
- UncompressedBytes: 147.62 KB
- __MAX_OF_UncompressedBytes: 29.65 KB
- __MIN_OF_UncompressedBytes: 0.00
- WaitTime: 229.529us
- CloseTime: 11.754us
- OperatorTotalTime: 13.985us
- PeakMemoryUsage: 0.00
- PrepareTime: 14.294us
- PullChunkNum: 8
- __MAX_OF_PullChunkNum: 1
- __MIN_OF_PullChunkNum: 0
- PullRowNum: 4.073K (4073)
- __MAX_OF_PullRowNum: 907
- __MIN_OF_PullRowNum: 0
- PullTotalTime: 1.999us
- PushChunkNum: 0
- PushRowNum: 0
- PushTotalTime: 0ns
- SetFinishedTime: 117ns
- SetFinishingTime: 112ns
Pipeline (id=1):
- ActiveTime: 3.227ms
- BlockByInputEmpty: 20
- __MAX_OF_BlockByInputEmpty: 3
- __MIN_OF_BlockByInputEmpty: 0
- BlockByOutputFull: 0
- BlockByPrecondition: 0
- DegreeOfParallelism: 20
- DriverTotalTime: 9.127ms
- __MAX_OF_DriverTotalTime: 158.329ms
- __MIN_OF_DriverTotalTime: 4.425ms
- OverheadTime: 3.227ms
- PendingTime: 1.695ms
- __MAX_OF_PendingTime: 148.643ms
- __MIN_OF_PendingTime: 143.130us
- InputEmptyTime: 1.695ms
- __MAX_OF_InputEmptyTime: 148.644ms
- __MIN_OF_InputEmptyTime: 142.866us
- FirstInputEmptyTime: 202.829us
- FollowupInputEmptyTime: 1.492ms
- __MAX_OF_FollowupInputEmptyTime: 148.404ms
- __MIN_OF_FollowupInputEmptyTime: 0ns
- OutputFullTime: 0ns
- PendingFinishTime: 0ns
- PreconditionBlockTime: 0ns
- ScheduleCount: 340
- __MAX_OF_ScheduleCount: 4
- __MIN_OF_ScheduleCount: 1
- ScheduleTime: 4.205ms
- __MAX_OF_ScheduleTime: 10.684ms
- __MIN_OF_ScheduleTime: 2.618ms
- TotalDegreeOfParallelism: 320
- YieldByTimeLimit: 0
- CloseTime: 5.88us
- OperatorTotalTime: 8.232us
- PeakMemoryUsage: 336.03 KB
- __MAX_OF_PeakMemoryUsage: 94.00 KB
- __MIN_OF_PeakMemoryUsage: 0.00
- PrepareTime: 82.638us
- PullChunkNum: 0
- PullRowNum: 0
- PullTotalTime: 0ns
- PushChunkNum: 8
- __MAX_OF_PushChunkNum: 1
- __MIN_OF_PushChunkNum: 0
- PushRowNum: 7.845K (7845)
- __MAX_OF_PushRowNum: 2.747K (2747)
- __MIN_OF_PushRowNum: 0
- PushTotalTime: 2.534us
- SetFinishedTime: 47ns
- SetFinishingTime: 560ns
- GroupingKeys: 15: time_at_5min, 1: domain, 4: isp, 5: province
- AggregateFunctions: sum(19: traffic)
- AggComputeTime: 2.370us
- ExprComputeTime: 64ns
- ExprReleaseTime: 29ns
- GetResultsTime: 1.546us
- HashTableSize: 4.073K (4073)
- __MAX_OF_HashTableSize: 907
- __MIN_OF_HashTableSize: 0
- InputRowCount: 7.845K (7845)
- __MAX_OF_InputRowCount: 2.747K (2747)
- __MIN_OF_InputRowCount: 0
- PassThroughRowCount: 0
- ResultAggAppendTime: 375ns
- ResultGroupByAppendTime: 414ns
- ResultIteratorTime: 417ns
- RowsReturned: 0
- StreamingTime: 0ns
PROJECT (plan_node_id=1):
- CloseTime: 5.767us
- OperatorTotalTime: 6.148us
- PeakMemoryUsage: 0.00
- PrepareTime: 13.485us
- PullChunkNum: 8
- __MAX_OF_PullChunkNum: 1
- __MIN_OF_PullChunkNum: 0
- PullRowNum: 7.845K (7845)
- __MAX_OF_PullRowNum: 2.747K (2747)
- __MIN_OF_PullRowNum: 0
- PullTotalTime: 4ns
- PushChunkNum: 8
- __MAX_OF_PushChunkNum: 1
- __MIN_OF_PushChunkNum: 0
- PushRowNum: 7.845K (7845)
- __MAX_OF_PushRowNum: 2.747K (2747)
- __MIN_OF_PushRowNum: 0
- PushTotalTime: 192ns
- SetFinishedTime: 59ns
- SetFinishingTime: 124ns
CHUNK_ACCUMULATE (plan_node_id=0):
- CloseTime: 386ns
- OperatorTotalTime: 752ns
- PeakMemoryUsage: 0.00
- PrepareTime: 13.591us
- PullChunkNum: 8
- __MAX_OF_PullChunkNum: 1
- __MIN_OF_PullChunkNum: 0
- PullRowNum: 7.845K (7845)
- __MAX_OF_PullRowNum: 2.747K (2747)
- __MIN_OF_PullRowNum: 0
- PullTotalTime: 6ns
- PushChunkNum: 9
- __MAX_OF_PushChunkNum: 2
- __MIN_OF_PushChunkNum: 0
- PushRowNum: 7.845K (7845)
- __MAX_OF_PushRowNum: 2.747K (2747)
- __MIN_OF_PushRowNum: 0
- PushTotalTime: 82ns
- SetFinishedTime: 131ns
- SetFinishingTime: 144ns
OLAP_SCAN (plan_node_id=0):
- CloseTime: 636.511us
- OperatorTotalTime: 3.732ms
- PeakMemoryUsage: 0.00
- PrepareTime: 34.898us
- PullChunkNum: 2.354K (2354)
- __MAX_OF_PullChunkNum: 14
- __MIN_OF_PullChunkNum: 2
- PullRowNum: 7.845K (7845)
- __MAX_OF_PullRowNum: 2.747K (2747)
- __MIN_OF_PullRowNum: 0
- PullTotalTime: 3.95ms
- PushChunkNum: 0
- PushRowNum: 0
- PushTotalTime: 0ns
- SetFinishedTime: 145ns
- SetFinishingTime: 135ns
- MorselQueueType: fixed_morsel_queue
- Predicates: 1: domain IN (116153, 228593, 136786, 132537, 222065, 254919, 118285, 220270, 70766, 224345), 15: time_at_5min >= ‘2022-09-20 23:20:00’, 15: time_at_5min <= ‘2022-09-20 23:50:00’, 4: isp IN (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 21, 22, 23, 25, 27, 28, 29), 5: province IN (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 386), 6: country = 1, 3: is_parent = 0, 10: is_https = 1
- Rollup: region_5min
- Table: nginx_region_detail
- Aggr: 62.593ms
- __MAX_OF_Aggr: 74.299ms
- __MIN_OF_Aggr: 6.447ms
- BytesRead: 595.85 KB
- __MAX_OF_BytesRead: 187.12 KB
- __MIN_OF_BytesRead: 0.00
- CachedPagesNum: 0
- ChunkBufferCapacity: 20.48K (20480)
- CompressedBytesRead: 2.37 MB
- __MAX_OF_CompressedBytesRead: 361.24 KB
- __MIN_OF_CompressedBytesRead: 0.00
- CreateSegmentIter: 323.571us
- DefaultChunkBufferCapacity: 20.48K (20480)
- IOTime: 125.702us
- __MAX_OF_IOTime: 47.6ms
- __MIN_OF_IOTime: 0ns
- LateMaterialize: 1.744ms
- __MAX_OF_LateMaterialize: 6.583ms
- __MIN_OF_LateMaterialize: 104.785us
- MorselsCount: 2.344K (2344)
- __MAX_OF_MorselsCount: 14
- __MIN_OF_MorselsCount: 1
- PeakChunkBufferSize: 960
- __MAX_OF_PeakChunkBufferSize: 62
- __MIN_OF_PeakChunkBufferSize: 57
- PushdownPredicates: 8
- RawRowsRead: 21.432K (21432)
- __MAX_OF_RawRowsRead: 7.424K (7424)
- __MIN_OF_RawRowsRead: 0
- ReadPagesNum: 360
- __MAX_OF_ReadPagesNum: 64
- __MIN_OF_ReadPagesNum: 0
- RowsRead: 7.845K (7845)
- __MAX_OF_RowsRead: 2.747K (2747)
- __MIN_OF_RowsRead: 0
- ScanTime: 379.819us
- __MAX_OF_ScanTime: 148.579ms
- __MIN_OF_ScanTime: 1.635us
- SegmentInit: 249.228us
- __MAX_OF_SegmentInit: 120.982ms
- __MIN_OF_SegmentInit: 0ns
- BitmapIndexFilter: 7.114us
- __MAX_OF_BitmapIndexFilter: 8.120ms
- __MIN_OF_BitmapIndexFilter: 0ns
- BitmapIndexFilterRows: 0
- BloomFilterFilterRows: 0
- SegmentZoneMapFilterRows: 34.308333436B (34308333436)
- __MAX_OF_SegmentZoneMapFilterRows: 92.094182M (92094182)
- __MIN_OF_SegmentZoneMapFilterRows: 0
- ShortKeyFilterRows: 123.559917M (123559917)
- __MAX_OF_ShortKeyFilterRows: 20.085039M (20085039)
- __MIN_OF_ShortKeyFilterRows: 0
- ZoneMapIndexFilterRows: 0
- SegmentRead: 106.444us
- __MAX_OF_SegmentRead: 41.633ms
- __MIN_OF_SegmentRead: 0ns
- BlockFetch: 5.727us
- BlockFetchCount: 12
- __MAX_OF_BlockFetchCount: 3
- __MIN_OF_BlockFetchCount: 0
- BlockSeek: 128.732us
- __MAX_OF_BlockSeek: 43.388ms
- __MIN_OF_BlockSeek: 0ns
- BlockSeekCount: 31
- __MAX_OF_BlockSeekCount: 8
- __MIN_OF_BlockSeekCount: 0
- ChunkCopy: 186ns
- DecompressT: 541ns
- DelVecFilterRows: 0
- IndexLoad: 0ns
- PredFilter: 270ns
- PredFilterRows: 13.587K (13587)
- __MAX_OF_PredFilterRows: 4.677K (4677)
- __MIN_OF_PredFilterRows: 0
- RowsetsReadCount: 16.708K (16708)
- __MAX_OF_RowsetsReadCount: 118
- __MIN_OF_RowsetsReadCount: 1
- SegmentsReadCount: 7.342K (7342)
- __MAX_OF_SegmentsReadCount: 106
- __MIN_OF_SegmentsReadCount: 0
- TotalColumnsDataPageCount: 53.133K (53133)
- __MAX_OF_TotalColumnsDataPageCount: 8.636K (8636)
- __MIN_OF_TotalColumnsDataPageCount: 0
- SubmitIOTaskCount: 2.344K (2344)
- __MAX_OF_SubmitIOTaskCount: 14
- __MIN_OF_SubmitIOTaskCount: 1
- TabletCount: 2.344K (2344)
- __MAX_OF_TabletCount: 147
- __MIN_OF_TabletCount: 146
- UncompressedBytesRead: 2.43 MB
- __MAX_OF_UncompressedBytesRead: 367.80 KB
- __MIN_OF_UncompressedBytesRead: 0.00
- Union: 62.577ms
- __MAX_OF_Union: 74.281ms
- __MIN_OF_Union: 6.437ms
Pipeline (id=0):
- ActiveTime: 188.301us
- BlockByInputEmpty: 0
- BlockByOutputFull: 0
- BlockByPrecondition: 0
- DegreeOfParallelism: 1
- DriverTotalTime: 5.352ms
- __MAX_OF_DriverTotalTime: 10.616ms
- __MIN_OF_DriverTotalTime: 4.164ms
- OverheadTime: 188.301us
- PendingTime: 0ns
- InputEmptyTime: 0ns
- FirstInputEmptyTime: 0ns
- FollowupInputEmptyTime: 0ns
- OutputFullTime: 0ns
- PendingFinishTime: 0ns
- PreconditionBlockTime: 0ns
- ScheduleCount: 16
- ScheduleTime: 5.164ms
- __MAX_OF_ScheduleTime: 10.448ms
- __MIN_OF_ScheduleTime: 3.990ms
- TotalDegreeOfParallelism: 16
- YieldByTimeLimit: 0
NOOP_SINK (plan_node_id=0):
- CloseTime: 207ns
- OperatorTotalTime: 349ns
- PeakMemoryUsage: 0.00
- PrepareTime: 13.934us
- PullChunkNum: 0
- PullRowNum: 0
- PullTotalTime: 0ns
- PushChunkNum: 0
- PushRowNum: 0
- PushTotalTime: 0ns
- SetFinishedTime: 37ns
- SetFinishingTime: 104ns
OLAP_SCAN_PREPARE (plan_node_id=0):
- CloseTime: 5.273us
- OperatorTotalTime: 189.582us
- PeakMemoryUsage: 0.00
- PrepareTime: 794.154us
- PullChunkNum: 16
- PullRowNum: 0
- PullTotalTime: 184.70us
- PushChunkNum: 0
- PushRowNum: 0
- PushTotalTime: 0ns
- SetFinishedTime: 66ns
- SetFinishingTime: 171ns


能提供一个开启pipeline和非pipeline相同query的explain costs+sql看下吗?

不开pipeline (121.8 KB)




pipeline_dop 这个参数有设置过吗?



开启pipeline (32.3 KB)


不开pipeline (124.0 KB)

然后刚刚发现关闭引擎前后Fail to report exec state due to query not found这行日志的数量发生了明显变化







