
2024-09-29 16:36:40.835+08:00 WARN (main|1) [NodeMgr.getClusterIdAndRoleOnStartup():350] current node is not added to the group. please add it first. sleep 5 seconds and retry, current helper nodes: [10.xxx.xxx.101:9010]
2024-09-29 16:36:45.837+08:00 WARN (main|1) [NodeMgr.getFeNodeTypeAndNameFromHelpers():538] frontend 10.xxx.xxx.200:9010 is not added to cluster yet. role UNKNOWN
2024-09-29 16:36:45.838+08:00 WARN (main|1) [NodeMgr.getClusterIdAndRoleOnStartup():350] current node is not added to the group. please add it first. sleep 5 seconds and retry, current helper nodes: [10.107.xxx.xxx:9010],其中,10.xxx.xxx.200是我服务器vip

【集群规模】例如:3fe(1 follower+2observer)+5be(fe与be混部)

  • fe.log/be.INFO/相应截图