【详述】为root用户授予OPERATE权限后,GRANT OPERATE ON SYSTEM TO USER ‘root’@‘10.%.%.%’ ,root用户再次登录无法建表
【集群规模】例如:3fe(1 follower+2observer)+3be(fe与be混部)
mysql> create database etdb;
ERROR 1252 (42000): Access denied; you need (at least one of) the CREATE DATABASE privilege(s) on CATALOG default_catalog for this operation. Please ask the admin to grant permission(s) or try activating existing roles using <set [default] role>. Current role(s): NONE. Inactivated role(s): NONE.
mysql> show grants for root@‘10.%.%.%’;
| UserIdentity | Catalog | Grants |
| ‘root’@‘10.%.%.%’ | default_catalog | GRANT DELETE, DROP, INSERT, SELECT, ALTER, EXPORT, UPDATE ON ALL TABLES IN ALL DATABASES TO USER ‘root’@‘10.%.%.%’ |
| ‘root’@‘10.%.%.%’ | default_catalog | GRANT OPERATE ON SYSTEM TO USER ‘root’@‘10.%.%.%’ |
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