
【集群规模】例如:3fe(1 follower+2observer)+3be(fe与be混部)

select count(1) from ft_beta_log where ( (execTime >= ‘2024-06-27 19:21:41’ AND execTime < ‘2024-06-27 19:23:41’) OR (execTime >= ‘2024-06-25 19:21:41’ AND execTime < ‘2024-06-25 19:23:41’) OR (execTime >= ‘2024-06-26 19:21:41’ AND execTime < ‘2024-06-26 19:23:41’) ) and qtraceId like CONCAT(‘xxxxxxxxxx’, ‘%’)

Explain String |
| Summary |
| QueryId: e65e86d1-344f-11ef-a540-08c0eb82d530 |
| Version: 3.1.4-0c4b2a3 |
| State: Finished |
| TotalTime: 3s269ms |
| ExecutionTime: 3s251ms [Scan: 3s229ms (99.34%), Network: 293.169us (0.01%), ResultDeliverTime: 0ns (0.00%), ScheduleTime: 789.012us (0.02%)] |
| CollectProfileTime: 8ms |
| FrontendProfileMergeTime: 6.364ms |
| QueryPeakMemoryUsage: 70.967 MB, QueryAllocatedMemoryUsage: 8.817 GB |
| Top Most Time-consuming Nodes: |
| 1. OLAP_SCAN: 3s231ms (99.98%) |
| 2. EXCHANGE[GATHER]: 412.063us (0.01%) |
| 3. RESULT_SINK: 72.008us (0.00%) |
| 4. AGGREGATION[serialize, update]: 66.198us (0.00%) |
| 5. AGGREGATION[finalize, merge]: 50.699us (0.00%) |
| 6. PROJECT: 13.670us (0.00%) |
| Top Most Memory-consuming Nodes: |
| 1. OLAP_SCAN: 7.541 MB |
| 2. EXCHANGE[GATHER]: 3.906 KB |
| 3. AGGREGATION[finalize, merge]: 3.656 KB |
| 4. AGGREGATION[serialize, update]: 1.406 KB |
| NonDefaultVariables: |
| cbo_cte_reuse: true -> false |
| enable_async_profile: true -> false |
| enable_column_expr_predicate: true -> false |
| enable_filter_unused_columns_in_scan_stage: true -> false |
| enable_profile: false -> true |
| group_concat_max_len: 1024 -> 65535 |
| hive_partition_stats_sample_size: 3000 -> 5000 |
| max_allowed_packet: 33554432 -> 1048576 |
| parallel_fragment_exec_instance_num: 1 -> 8 |
| profile_limit_fold: true -> false |
| scan_or_to_union_limit: 4 -> 1 |
| time_zone: Asia/Shanghai -> GMT+08:00 |
| transmission_compression_type: NO_COMPRESSION -> LZ4 |
| Fragment 0 |
| │ BackendNum: 1 |
| │ InstancePeakMemoryUsage: 17.297 KB, InstanceAllocatedMemoryUsage: 98.758 KB |
| │ PrepareTime: 617.011us |
| │ TotalTime: 72.008us (0.00%) [CPUTime: 72.008us] |
| │ OutputRows: 1 |
| │ SinkType: MYSQL_PROTOCAL |
| └──AGGREGATION[finalize, merge] |
| │ Estimates: [row: 1, cpu: 8.00, memory: 8.00, network: 0.00, cost: 350353.45] |
| │ TotalTime: 50.699us (0.00%) [CPUTime: 50.699us] |
| │ OutputRows: 1 |
| │ PeakMemory: 3.656 KB, AllocatedMemory: 4.758 KB |
| │ AggExprs: [count(17: count)] |
| │ SubordinateOperators: |
| │ LOCAL_EXCHANGE [Passthrough] |
| Estimates: [row: 1, cpu: 8.00, memory: 0.00, network: 8.00, cost: 350333.45] |
| TotalTime: 412.063us (0.01%) [CPUTime: 118.894us, NetworkTime: 293.169us] |
| OutputRows: 0 |
| PeakMemory: 3.906 KB, AllocatedMemory: 128.906 KB |
| |
| Fragment 1 |
| │ BackendNum: 6 |
| │ InstancePeakMemoryUsage: 59.527 MB, InstanceAllocatedMemoryUsage: 8.817 GB |
| │ PrepareTime: 6.355ms |
| └──DATA_STREAM_SINK (id=3) |
| │ PartitionType: UNPARTITIONED |
| └──AGGREGATION[serialize, update] |
| │ Estimates: [row: 1, cpu: 350301.45, memory: 8.00, network: 0.00, cost: 350317.45] |
| │ TotalTime: 66.198us (0.00%) [CPUTime: 66.198us] |
| │ OutputRows: 0 |
| │ PeakMemory: 1.406 KB, AllocatedMemory: 225.000 KB |
| │ AggExprs: [count(1)] |
| └──PROJECT |
| │ Estimates: [row: ?, cpu: ?, memory: ?, network: ?, cost: ?] |
| │ TotalTime: 13.670us (0.00%) [CPUTime: 13.670us] |
| │ OutputRows: 0 |
| │ Expression: [1] |
| └──OLAP_SCAN |
| Estimates: [row: 14012, cpu: 350301.45, memory: 0.00, network: 0.00, cost: 175150.72] |
| TotalTime: 3s231ms (99.98%) [CPUTime: 1.827ms, ScanTime: 3s229ms] |
| OutputRows: 0 |
| PeakMemory: 7.541 MB, AllocatedMemory: 8.815 GB |
| Table: : ft_beta_log |
| SubordinateOperators: |
| NOOP |
| Detail Timers: [ScanTime = IOTaskExecTime + IOTaskWaitTime] |
| IOTaskExecTime: 125.546ms [min=364.201us, max=3s229ms] |
| SegmentRead: 100.613ms [min=4.131us, max=2s101ms] |
| BlockFetch: 97.424ms [min=3.524us, max=2s10ms] |
| IOTaskWaitTime: 63.275us [min=15.700us, max=357.045us]

这种高版本支持了几个优化,这个版本先手动改写成union all
