【详述】starrocks Be进程down 掉
select abnormal_date ,warehouse_name ,abnormal_type_name ,error_pick_ord_cnt ,concat(round(error_pick_ord_cnt/sum(error_pick_ord_cnt)over(partition by abnormal_date,warehouse_name)*100,2),’%’) as error_pick_ord_rate from ( select abnormal_date ,coalesce(warehouse_name,‘汇总’) warehouse_name ,abnormal_type_name ,COUNT(distinct order_no) error_pick_ord_cnt from ( select order_no ,package_no ,block_no ,to_date(driver_pick_time) as driver_pick_date ,case when sign_time is not null or abnormal_time is null then ‘正常派送(含在途)’ when abnormal_type=2 then ‘拒 收’ when abnormal_type=3 then ‘丢失’ when abnormal_type=4 then ‘报损’ when abnormal_type=5 then ‘退件’ when abnormal_type=101 then ‘导航或地址错误’ when abnormal_type=102 then ‘PO-BOX地址无法配送’ when abnormal_type=103 then ‘无法联系用户’ when abnormal_type=104 then ‘用户要求改时间’ when abnormal_type=0 then ‘返仓重派’ end as abnormal_type_name ,if(return_warehouse_flag > 0 ,‘已返仓’,‘未返仓’) as return_warehouse_flag ,case order_sub_status when 900 then ‘拒收’ when 901 then ‘拒收’ when 603 then ‘丢失’ when 601 then ‘报损’ when 800 then ‘报损’ when 801 then ‘报损’ when 602 then ‘退件’ when 700 then ‘退件’ when 701 then ‘退件’ end as order_sub_status_name ,to_date(abnormal_time) abnormal_date ,warehouse_no ,warehouse_name ,driver_id ,driver_name ,if(hour
= (max(hour
) over ()),1,0) as is_last_hour from dw.mds_au_exp_lme_pkg_block_express_ha where dt =curdate() and dt>=‘2023-06-01’ and driver_pick_time is not null and abnormal_time >=‘2023-06-01’ ) t where is_last_hour = 1 group by grouping sets((abnormal_date,warehouse_name,abnormal_type_name),(abnormal_date,abnormal_type_name)) ) a limit 500;
- be crash
- be.out
*** Aborted at 1690447352 (unix time) try “date -d @1690447352” if you are using GNU date ***
PC: @ 0x2cd70d0 starrocks::vectorized::FixedLengthColumnBase<>::append_selective()
*** SIGSEGV (@0x1000) received by PID 189684 (TID 0x7f4737745700) from PID 4096; stack trace: ***
@ 0x593cd22 google::(anonymous namespace)::FailureSignalHandler()
@ 0x7f483ab0b140 (unknown)
@ 0x2cd70d0 starrocks::vectorized::FixedLengthColumnBase<>::append_selective()
@ 0x4e90ef8 starrocks::vectorized::NullableColumn::append_selective()
@ 0x4e7416a starrocks::vectorized::Chunk::append_selective()
@ 0x31c945e starrocks::pipeline::LocalExchangeSourceOperator::_pull_shuffle_chunk()
@ 0x31c9d37 starrocks::pipeline::LocalExchangeSourceOperator::pull_chunk()
@ 0x2d0f603 starrocks::pipeline::PipelineDriver::process()
@ 0x4f6fc13 starrocks::pipeline::GlobalDriverExecutor::_worker_thread()
@ 0x49656a2 starrocks::ThreadPool::dispatch_thread()
@ 0x496019a starrocks::supervise_thread()
@ 0x7f483aaffea7 start_thread
@ 0x7f483aa1fa2f clone
@ 0x0 (unknown)
- be.out